Dip a black and white comic in 'blood' red paint and you get the picture. Entertainingly violent though...

User Rating: 7.5 | MadWorld WII
If you don't have a seriously violent game in your wii collection yet and you think you need one (I know we all do) this is the best one I have played. Manhunt 2 and No More Heroes are the other 2 games in my collection that are full of blood and violence but I believe this one will offer the most overall enjoyment

This game is noticeably different right from the start. I mean when was the last time you played a game almost entirely in black and white. The comic book graphics are probably the only thing that saved this game from being censored severely, good marketing decision I say. The graphics look good as it gives the impression that every aspect of the characters and the environment is incredibly detailed. This does however cause some issues because everything looks the bloody same (he he bloody, pun) and this does make it a bit difficult finding items as well as environmental objects for death and destruction. The black and white appearance wears on you a bit but if you get sick of it you can just go on a mass killing spree and paint the town red, literally.

The gameplay in this is what makes it different from the other 2. I know in No More Heroes all I felt like I was doing was mashing buttons and swinging the remote and well you kind of just do the same thing in this but you don't tend to notice it as a chore. There is a good variety of ways to kill people including your ridiculous chainsaw, the signs, the walls, bins, tires, picked up weapons and pretty much anything else you can get your hands on or throw people near. It offers enough variety to keep the game going and still being interested.

I will admit I have only played for less than 30 min but that is just due to the lack of free time I have for gaming these days but Mad World is my new game of choice when I have time to pick up a wii controller. As the game progresses I'm sure it will reveal a more in depth storyline which is evident by the comic book style intro at the beginning.

Bottom Line:
It has blood, blood and more blood as well as interesting ways to kill, dismember and in general run amuck downtown. Despite all this excessive use of violence it is backed up with a reasonable control scheme, impressive (and different) graphics and to top it off a multiplayer option to share the love.