Brutally fun and gory, But also Brutally short.
The game's controls are responsive and tight. the only main problem is the A button grab action. Tapping it is punch but holding it is grab and sometimes there are a lot of enemies on screen you might end up grabbing when you mean punch but you can easily get over that.
The stages are a serious of killing a bunch of enemies in a variety of interesting ways to get enough points to beat fun mini games to get enough points to fight one of the many interesting boss battles. The boss battles you better get used to some Wii-Waggle for some insane power struggles that will ensue. The game on Normal (and also the only difficulty at first) is easy, I'm talking REALLY freaking easy. Hard is pretty difficult for the fact that you have no lives no start with and enemies do more damage but with some practice you can manage. The game also has the best announcers ever in videogame history cracking jokes about the games that are hilarious beyond belief. This game definitely a "M" Rated game not for the little kiddies.
All in all the game was refreshing to me and I had a lot of fun with it but for the fact that the game can easily be beaten in 3-4 hours kinda brings it down a bit. I still would by it though.