User Rating: 10 | Mafia II X360
Mafia II is one of the best games I have played all year. The graphics are beautiful, the cars are realistic when you crash, and I love the guns that are put in it. One of my favorite things is to fist fighting, which is so much fun to do. Like a lot of people have been saying, this game is more story driven, so don't get it and say that it's nothing like GTA because it isn't supposed to be. I could play this game all day and still have fun. I also like that there is a lockpick mini-game that you have to do when you lockpick a car, or if your car breaks down, you can get out and open the hood up and repair it so that it can run again. The music in the game is great and all the songs are classic. There are a lot of stores where you can buy stuff like gun stores or bars, you can even rob them and steal everything. THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!