This game was fun but it felt unfinished.
The Good- the cut scenes where great and the story was told really well. The main thing I liked was the voice acting It did make Vito come off ass a real gangster bad ass I felt I was watching The Sopranos in the 1950's. The city looks beautiful and realistic in so many ways.
The Bad- the main thing the huge city feels empty and there's really nothing to do in such a big open space. I thought the game was going to be something like GTA but I was fooled. The game does have lots of glitches during gameplay. The hand to hand fighting gets boring fast. If you play on hard you end up dying really fast and playing on medium almost feels the same as hard on some missions. And this brings me to my final point a lot of the missions are boring and pointless they feel like a wast of time.
Final opinion- its a good game but not a great game either. If your a hard core game pick it up but if your more of a laid back type of gamer maybe wait to buy it used or rent it. Hope this review helps anyone thanks for reading.