Whoever said you need to play pool or go bowling to enjoy a sandbox game? And whoever said you need planes or motorcycles to say oh wow what a great game? Mafia 2 is a story driven game, let me say that again, Mafia 2 is a story driven game. Only those who care about gangster movies can appreciate Mafia 2. We all know what this game is based off so you know what to expect but what you're not getting is open worldness galore. You see mobsters are too busy doing their thing and have no time hanging around waiting to be called for a game of pool, much less driving around in motorcycles and planes which this game doesn't have and didn't see much of it in the 40's and 50's anyway. Mafia 2 is the most inmmersive sandbox game I've ever played, more so than GTAIV. You are a gangster, do your tme and live out the Mafia life. But it's the way each chapter is broken down that makes this game spectacular. Each chapter consist of a different experience and not until it's completed will it end. But the atmosphere of the 40's and 50's makes you ask alot of questions to you grandparents. So there wasn't any cell phones or computers back then but the cars and music were pretty cool. If there was one decade I would've like to live in, it would've been the 50's. Empire City is one beautifully made world, with every detail oozing out of every corner. The developers put a lot of love in creating this world and I thank them so much for an excellent job. I don't want to compare this to GTAIV because this is a totally different beast. Yes it is somewhat dissapointing that there isn't any side mini games like pool but if the developers would've included all of this, the game would still be criticized for the comparisons. This game is all about story and story only. If you want to blow up things and run over people go play stupid games like Saints Row or Just Cause. Mafia 2 was meant to be played by adults not 16 years olds who think killing pedestrians is cool. But for us serious gamers who get games like this every once in a blue moon I would score this game what it deserves and believe me it's not a 7.0. It shows you how dumb the average review critic is when they score a game like Llego Harry Potter a 8.0 or higher and this game a 7.0 or lower.
Well i got Mafia 2 and completed it and i think it is really fun its not everything i been waiting for but stil they made a nice job on this game !!! The game is sets in 1940-1950 and You Play as Veto an ordinary Italia... Read Full Review
Mafia 2 is finally out after many years and the result is that it stays loyal to the first game. This game is very good in most ways and disappointing in certain aspects but collectively,Mafia 2 is a great game and is on... Read Full Review