Mafia 2 : blast from the past :)
Mafia 2 is game easy to fall in love with because of its great environments.....empire bay city is a visual beauty .....the characters and the voice acting is fantastic and the story though with a tad disappointing ending will keep you hooked up .....
Pros :
the visuals , the cover system , shooting and fighting system ....i personally loved the fact how on the radio news about the war is given plus the gloomy winter and also the period transition into the 50's with cheerful people ....jazzy cars ...and though the song are not of the period its fits perfectly with the mood of the game
the characters are delightful and i am sure every one would love Joe's character the shooting system is quite good with the A.I. changing depending on the type of people one would face .....the Mafioso being deadly accurate and tactically good .....the greasers just spraying like mad men and a workers as you would expect thinking themselves invincible and forsaking cover and thus being a easy kill just cause they have weapons .
hand to hand combat system though is perfect while fighting single opponents but seems a tad disappointing when dealing with multiple enemies .
The story i cant stress this enough keeps one really hooked and you do all missions a normal soldier in a family would do .....its not all about hits and protecting ....the simple stuff like selling cigarette cartons are part of a mafioso's life was good to see a game having missions apart from those depicted in popular movies .
The cons :
they are very few and insignificant .....
the fact that this game is very leaned onto the story and doesn't let you do much outside it ........the fact that you cant do gambling , go for collecting money from shop's under your family's turf . Also on how little empire city is utilized ...i sure we had illegal racing back then ...also horse racing could be nice inclusion
the fact that all these period games choose to ignore motorcycles bewilders me ........the old school bike were some of the best and their absence is disappointing
complete absence of multi player
All in all its a great game and a must play but lack of re playability makes me suggest renting this one .....its a must play though .
also being a 18+ game i would have like to see a little more gruesome deaths and nudity (not a big issue )