Mafia 2 is the best 40' 50's game so far.
Vito Scaleta as just come back from WWII and he needs a job. Of course his good buddy Joe can hook him up with the right kind of job. Once Vito gets into his first job his employers know that he is a bad ass. He can do any job, any way. After doing a few jobs with a mafia leader he get welcomed into the mafia. After doing some hardcore jobs with the mafia, Vito gets sent to jail. After doing some fun missions in prison, your friend in jail gets you our earlier. Now its the 1950's and Vito still has not learned his lesson. He goes back to Joe and starts working with the mafia again. That's what you pretty much do in Mafia 2 but its fun and you will LOVE the story.
Mafia 2 focused on the realistic parts of life. You can get a ticket from the police for speeding and you can get drunk. All that stuff. But the problem is so are the bullets. You can die really easily. But your enemies wont. But shooting the gangster tommy gun is fun and also realistic. Their are good parts about the gameplay and their are bad parts about the gameplay.
Mafia 2 is a great game with a amazing story, but a short one. The gameplay is also amazing, but has its downs. Still Mafia 2 is still a game you should get, and believe me you will have an amazing time.