This was an awesome game. great story and great great ending.characters were great. The graphics was awesome. The amount of money to make was a bit slow. I liked how you can upgrade the cars engines etc.and you can store 10 cars in your garage.I can not wait until Mafia III comes out. I hope that it continues with the story here. The game was pretty short for me. but well worth the $60 for the story. Suits were nice, but I could not find a pin stripe suit. I also think it was a bit fast for them 2 characters to be made. The jail interaction and the scenes and playability in jail was awesome also. Hand combat was pretty sweet. Wish they made it more like FN3 or 4 though. Finishing moves were great. I also wish you could have more movement in the map also. not much stores for purchasing. wasnt as free as Grand theft Auto.
Well i got Mafia 2 and completed it and i think it is really fun its not everything i been waiting for but stil they made a nice job on this game !!! The game is sets in 1940-1950 and You Play as Veto an ordinary Italia... Read Full Review
Mafia 2 is finally out after many years and the result is that it stays loyal to the first game. This game is very good in most ways and disappointing in certain aspects but collectively,Mafia 2 is a great game and is on... Read Full Review