Brief Review On Mafia II
the game offered alot of mixed reaction and people would have mostly compared the game with GTA4,which i think was wrong.but in its own category it was brilliant,the story was great altogether i really enjoyed it.
review -
in this 3rd person sandbox you are playing as vito scaletta.Mafia mobster.
you have alot of weapons in the game 4 kinds altogether,
hand weapons,pistols,machinguns and shotguns.
and each type has 5 to 6 individual weapons.
you can shoot by aiming and shooting or simply shoot without aiming, you cant blindfire while in cover,and also the aimer is kinda annoying since it is a simple cross,the controls over the main character in walking mode is really simple and easy,and mostly sharp,but as soon as you get in a car and drive you will see that the cars are mostly really heavy to drive ,well since the cars are old american muscle cars,and in real life yes they are heavy to drive.
the main map is really small in size but that is not really bad because in that time NY or should i say Empire Bay wasnt any bigger.there are alot of shops to go and visit,such as gun shops and bars.
you can also get to another shop and upgrade your car and change the plate so that your wanted levels get down.
two ways to steal cars that are parked is
1- you can smash the windows just like GTA4.
2- you can pick the locks and then get in the car without any fuss.:D
you know the story line is really original and i really appreciate it couldnt have been know althought the map is small,but you have been given a great real life city to go and see,In my opinion the graphics here is much better than the GTA4.but sadly a small map as i mentioned before.
night time is again much better than GTA4,and it looks so real,the lights in the city is amusing.
the dialogues are the best i have heard.
the mobsters somewhat have this Italian accent,and they cant really sat 'R',and they end up saying 'Fieyst' instead of 'first'.there is a lot of humor in the game that makes you laugh out loud.
for example one mission that is still in my head is the one joe and his friend wanted to surprise vito.and they didnt say anything,about the place they were taking vito,they ended up all drunk,and joes friend said you guys should have told him not to get drunk because he had some business to take care off,they all ended up puking in the car and there was a body in the back and so on.i really enjoyed that specific mission,it was really funny.
yes there is alot of humor involved.I think thats about it.
hope you enjoyed the brief review on mafia 2