Amazing Game, seriously way better than i expected it to be! Very happy with it

User Rating: 9 | Mafia II PS3
From the very beginning time spent at WWII shooting it up with solders in Italy, till the nice cars, nice house, lots of money sequences on the 1950s, Mafia 2 is definitely a must have game.

Great shooting, Great stealth, FABULOUS STORY. Voice acting is just right and you will be exited to see what will come next on the ballad of Vito Scaletta.

The city of Empire Bay seems a great environment and full of life no matter what time of day it is, you can walk around and eavesdrop on peoples conversations and see how much work was actually put into the life of this city.

Taking about 45-60mins per chapter on Normal difficulty setting, this game will suck you in and leave you gaming through the 15 chapters in a few days. Or maybe your play through will extend if you choose to take care of the collectibles! 50 nude playboy centerfold girls scattered throughout the chapters, or 250 wanted criminal posters around the city will sure keep you busy if you're the type to get completion percentage and trophies/achievements :)

To finish this review... Must own game of 2010!!!