Should have been delayed until it was better. Don't buy this game just rent it.
Anyway on to the review:
Graphics 8/10 the graphics in Mafia 2 are not horrible, but considering that the game was delayed it seems they could have done better with the textures, did anyone else notice an almost grid overlay on some of the faces textures.
Sound 9/10 great sound and music that fits the era.
Game Play 6/10 the driving and gun play was average at best, first the cover mechanic is slightly broken and it seems that enemies bullets can sometimes travel through cover, or I get burned by a flame that is on the opposite side of my cover. The melee fighting does not work bad, but anytime the best mechanic is hold dodge and punch when they miss get pretty boring fast. Finally although it is suppose to be open world the missions progress in a way that it does not encourage you to take any side missions
Story 5/10 Although the story is quite engaging not only does it seem short, it does not really end anything, and of course I felt that the character had no progression throughout the story, ie he did not get promoted or new crew members. Again the delay should have given a feeling of progression and more character development.
Overall 6/10 I was just disappointed by this game I get quite discourage when a game is delayed and the only apparent reason is to release DLC with the game. If you want to play this game just rent it, don't make the same mistake I did by purchasing it.