Grab a piece and let's go...

User Rating: 9 | Mafia II PS3
You'll hear that line in the review deck rather frequently in this game and to be honest that is my only problem with this game that i can really report on.

I've decided to take a new struckture to my reviews for the people who read my past reviews may have felt that i was abit all over the place from time to time, so i am trying something new.

---- Story ---- 7/10

The story in my oppinion is a typical gangster movie, full to bursting point with "Waking" "Rats" and "Made Men" but the story is still good enough to help drive the game from start too the end, slow to get started this just helps you get into the character.

The endding, it felt like it just stopped dead i felt really let down by the endding it might be the connection you make to the characters or just because it just stops, does leave enough room for some DLC to continue the story or a Mafia III.

--- Gameplay --- 9/10

The driving is really good, the cars feel heavy and slow just like the cars of the time, you have two diffrent driving styles simulation and normal i never tried normal because i heard the cars drift alot but in simulation it is not difficult to send your car side ways.

Shooting is tight simple cover based shooting, quite a few diffrent guns are avaliable hand guns, machine guns (the usual "Tommy Gun" is here ALOT!), shotguns and grenades. Shooting feels heavy and packs a punch, when you shoot someone you really feel like you just made a hole the size of a bowling ball in someone.

The only reason i dropped a point for gameplay is when you enter most bulidings it has a loading times but you can see through the door sometimes but it still has to load the other side, which to me breaks the atmosphere of the game.

--- Content --- 10/10

There's so much content for this game you have got: clothing shops, gun shops, body shops and bars you can get your character drunk (Never tried it my self) by now if you've not heard about the old Playboy mags in the game... where have you been?!?!?!... there are also wanted posters over 100 to find, hard to find after 10+ hours i've not "stumbled" across a one. There are quite a few amount of cars in the game each one can have personal plates (licence plate) I named all mine Cruddi 1 etc, you can only store 10 cars though. Each car can be upgraded at the body shops such as speed and handling making the car better. You can also pick a rather big range of paint colours for your ride to give it a more personal feel. As for side missions there aren't many if any depending on how you look at it, you can sell cars at a junk yard for small cash and the more exotic cars can be sold at the docks for large cash that's it, you can also hold up shops and steal cash as well as clothing.

--- Recommendation --- 9/10

New comes will not be upset and old school fans will find something that will make them smile with glee or at least work you up to find out check the Other Stuff section below, as part of my new scructure all spoilers will be left till the end in the other stuff section.

--- Other Stuff --- N/A WARNING CONTAINS A SPOILER!!!!!

Well recommended for fans of the old game, because after the endding of the last game poor old Tommy get's blown away by 2 men in a red car with a red roof i remember that because the car model looked awful. About 3/4 of the way through the second game you get into a nice looking red car with a white roof and told you have to go "wack" a guy for an other family *warning light came on* as you get closer to the "mark" you find out his name which is "Tommy Angelo" it even has the same line from the first game. That you have to find out for your self, i was excited and happy.