Crime pays a lot less
+ Great storyline about crime families, trials and tribulations of protagonist Vito Scaletta and his crime loving friends
+ The cut scenes are great and should not be skipped because they contain information about the gameplay
+ Shooting and cover gameplay mechanics are solid and simple to use. Carrying a lot of guns is permitted
+ The open world of empire bay is gorgeous and does not pop into the screen at any distance that I have noticed
+ Voice acting is superb and very accurate in terms of gangsta talk back in the 50s
+ Overall graphics is spectacular and ragdoll physics is one of the best I have seen in a long time
+ Some characters really stand out from the storyline with the strongest being Leo Galentte, Joe Barbaro and Vito Scaletta
+ The music and soundtrack from the car
What I did not like:
- Most of the game is spent driving around empire bay and they expect you to stop in traffic.
- Weird ending to a good but cliché crime story.
- Empire bay could be compared to an Island in Grand Theft Auto 4