We'll Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse

User Rating: 10 | Mafia II PS3
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I wrote a review, but I'm back! And I also write reviews on GameStop as DarkReign. Ok, now on to the review. Mafia 2 is an amazing game. You start out as a soldier, and then you go home where your friend finds a way to get you out of the Army. And in return, a few jobs for him won't hurt, right? Let me start saying that this game doesn't right away throw you in the Mafia, you have to work to get there. You actually become a member halfway through the game and that's where the real fun begins. Anyway, the story is amazing and it's filled with a lot of twists, turns, and "Oh my God" moments. You'll actually feel yourself get angry at moments, not God Of War angry, but you will get angry. And there are a wide variety of missions to do. In one mission you'll be trying to hunt someone down to kill them, in another you'll be finding cars for someone for some money. Now even though this is an open world game, you can't pick up random missions for random people, which I thought, was AWESOME. It keeps you glued on the story and that's what I loved about this game. No crappy side missions for crappy people having you do crappy things for a crappy amount of money. You want to earn some money on this game? Well stroll up to your local diner and rob it. Yes you can rob diners, gun shops, clothes stores, etc. It's awesome. The driving controls are very fluid and the shooting is responsive and very easy and fun to do. Now on to the graphics. Awesome. Life like. Everything looks amazing. The only real complaint I have on this game is that after you play it you probably won't want to play it again. But this game had one of the most...interesting...endings ever. You just have to play this game...this experience. Thank you for reading.