Mafia 2 probably isn't an open world game but it's impressive story and good set pieces suck you in.

User Rating: 8 | Mafia II PS3
hello everybody
Mafia 1 was a fantastic game with lots of dramatic moments and even the weak open world elements didn't stop it from being a stellar experience it's nine years since Mafia's release but long development time didn't make Mafia 2 as good as it's predecessor .Story of the game is about Vito an Italian guy.There are lots of great characters . M2's story isn't as M1 but still some good shocks and a dramatic ending provide an interesting experience.In M2 you can go around between the missions but apart from that the game has no open world elements and because of that alive city of empire bay do not shine Most of your time in missions is filled with boring driving but when you get over with them there are some intense shooting and fun hand to hand combat. Though the cover system is problematic and it doesn't have blind fire, shooting around with Thompson was never this satisfying ! Hand to hand combat is simple but it is still bloody .M2 has some great visuals with tons of beautiful looking things though the technical wonder is pretty much only in PC .Voice acting is also good.Altogether Mafia 2 isn't a huge disappointment but it isn't what it supposed to be.

Final Score:8/10