Not good at alll, i got ripped on the unrated version there was no blood or cops. READ THIS!

User Rating: 4.3 | Mafia PS2
When I got this game one year ago i was syked, i shot someon, thats odd no blood... I shoot someone else still no blood. I go into freeride mode, and there were no cops so i could just kill anyone and do anythin i want, but without cops or blood this was mundane it was like EA had made another teen shooter, music is bad to the da-dadada-daaaaaa over, and over agian, the graphics are okay trees are sort of cheesy. Wait for the godfather people. Missions are really bad your character spares lives of some people and that screws you in the end! And the missions are hard and pointless. Please if you want to be a mobster wait for the Godfather or Scarface. This game is bad and you need to learn how to pick locks so you can only get into taxis, unlike GTA, now i'm not trying to sell you on GTA, especially if you're a kid. But you can get into any car at any time.

signing off