Im very happy with gamespots review, i can see they have thoroughly worked on it unlike the other quick reviews.

User Rating: 8.5 | MAG PS3
When i first played one of the closed betas i had a really hard time getting into it and had little info on what i had to do? then came the open beta, i decided to give it another try and try my hardest to get into it..... and totally glad i did. this game is a breath of fresh air, the game modes are fantastic, the graphics are nicely pollished compared to the beta, and the whole aspect of being in a squad as part of the bigger picture really works well. i found that theres more people starting to use headset and they really try working together which gives the game a better experience. you get a great sense of achievement when you team works and wins together. ranking up is ina way like clal of duty, except you get points which can be assigned to upgrade tiers, there you can upgrade weapons, get weapon add ons and other items.

overall still loving it, ive had no lag in any game and totally glad i bought it, i also bought the collectors edition which gives you set of armour skin for each faction and 3 dynamic themes