If youve been playing MW2 for the past few months, MAG may take time getting used to, but when you do its very addictive

User Rating: 8 | MAG PS3
MAG is the highly anticipated online only shooter by Zipper Interactive. There is alot of hype behind it, but is it worth the wait? Well lets not wait any longer, here is my review of MAG

The Details- Let me make this very clear, Yes! the 256 player battle modes work just fine with little to no lag! There are 4 types of modes, there is suppression, which is a 64 player team deathmatch style game, Sabotage, another 64 player mode where each team tries to destroy an objective. Acquisition, a 126 player mode where one team tries to steal some vehicles, while the other is defending, then there is domination, where there are 256 players each trying to take control of one area. All of these games like i said feature little to no lag so your gameplay experience wont be ruined. There are 3 factions one can be a part of, Raven, a faction with high-tech weapons and armor, comprising of West European Countries such as Germany, Italy and France prizing technological advancement as key to winning. S.V.E.R. a ragtag military force with personnel drawn from China, India, Russia, and other countries in Asia and Asia minor; infamous for their guerilla tactics. and finally Valor, whose soldiers are equipped with more standard-styled. They comprise of seasoned veterans from the United States, Commonwealth States and Mexico; believing that knowledge in battle is strength. All of these factions are not very unique, there are very little differences between the factions other than the guns, which even themselves have some similarity. You can customize your own character, make your own class, and level up via XP just like the typical FPS shooter. Each time you level up you get Skill Points, which are used to purchase guns, gun attachments, perks, or necessities on the battle field like med kit etc.

The Pros- Well like I said lag in this game occurs very little. The customization is really cool and there is alot you can do to help play a part in the battles. One thing that really caught my eye was the fact that all of the explosions, disasters, and destruction is all caused by the players in the game. Which feels like your doing alot more than just shooting a bunch of people, like what you do really DOES matter! The sound effects are really good, very realistic explosion sounds make the matches really intense especially when your right near them.

The Cons- Unfortunately, MAG has its issues as well. While the battles may feel intense, They only work when all 126 of your team mates are all working together and really trying to win. It does happen, but when it doesn't, it makes the game really frustrating when you feel like your the one doing all the work while the others are out just shooting people. And since there are so many enemies, you will die very frequently, this wouldn't be such a problem if the spawn times were not so tediously long! I mean really, 20 seconds to respawn? WHY!? And they are random to, sometimes you will get 2 seconds, others you will get 18. And 18 seconds may not seem like alot, but when you see your team mates getting shot at and everything, you really wish you could be out there and help them. Another thing, There are not enough game modes and maps. I mean, 4 modes? Really? 4 modes wouldnt be so much of a big deal if there were not only 3 maps for each one, thats one thing that i really hope Zipper does is release at least 7-9 maps for each game mode to make up for the lack of game modes, or give us more modes with only 3 maps, or hell, do both!

Conclusion- MAG is a very fun and addictive game like i said when all of your team mates work together, and although you may experience some technical problems or lag here and there, it is a really fun experience. But one thing i will say, rent it first. I wouldn't pay the full $60 if i were you.