No headsets, no communication, no real big battles, No Teamwork, PS2 style Graphics...
I think they had a decent idea, but were a bit too ambitious with this product. No campaign and no co-op really brings it down. I usually like to play through a FPS campaign first to get the hang of the controls and weapons. Nice try, but like many thing's I've noticed on PS3, it's a failure.
On the positive side their was only slight lag, though there were glitchers out in force already.
In a squad based game, you need communication, too many people are out for themselves and lack the proper tools to communicate. So a lot of games are over before they even had a chance to start really.
The waiting to connect is pretty bad, and those that do have headsets and use them, sound terrible. PSN need's a overhaul and Sony need's to start giving away headsets so people all have them like XBL.
The graphics look worse then PS2 graphics, the explosion effect's look almost as bad as PS1 style.
The controls are clunky and the jump's are ridicules. The thing you will spend the most time doing in this game is running to a point, getting killed, then running back to that point again.
The lack of map's is another down thing for this game, flipping which side your on isn't a new map!
I took this game back within 2 days and I wasn't the only one with buyer's remorse, there were a bunch of returned copies there same as mine.