If you can get past the below average graphics and control bugs mag is a good game...if it weren't for the noobs.
Graphics: Well, what can i say? Theres nothing special so if you're looking for flashy you aint gonna find it here. Explosions are dull with just a big cloud of smoke popping out and even flash bangs dont really blind the victims eyes, it just puts like this white filter in front of the camera. Honestly even MW2 beats this game in graphics, and they had a great campaign and special ops to think about too. The only reason i can find for poor textures and even bad player models are the fact that the servers have to maintain them along with 128 players at the same time...but still.
Gameplay: Oh, the game-play...how can i put this...in between controls bugs and glitches, occasional joysticks mixeup, and amazingly uneven weapons theres really not anything good to talk about. Like i say controls are a bit hard to master, since some buttons are totally nonsensical, to crouch you press triangle instead of circle which makes a lot more sense, and to change weapons you use the R2, which can really confuse when you're trying to change in between weapons and grenades or medical kits. Also sometimes the controls simply go berserk and your joysticks go insane, either they stop working or get mixed up, for example, you push the joystick in front and you go right or you look up and it looks left, its insane. And finally the guns, honestly i dont understand how the hell it works, because they feel so uneven, its really common you finding yourself in the middle of the battlefield with you're assault rifle and in front of an enemy and you start shooting, you hit 6 or 7 bullets and yet he manages to turn around and still kill you with only 2 or 3 shots, i dont get it. But lets talk about the game itself, when you start playing you have 3 factions to choose from and from this choice will be dependent 3 factors, your appearance, your guns, and the maps in which you'll play, a lot of people say factions guns are relatively the same but they aren't, so before choosing you're faction i would advise you to go to mag wiki and checking the weapons damage and specs to see if it is of you're liking, after choosing a faction you can create you're character, chose a voice and face and off you go. Starting off in MAG is suicidal, even if you have a lot of FPS exp (i played MW, have MW2, killzone 2, bioshock 1 & 2, borderlands, far cry 2, fallout and medal of honor) and thats because unlike most FPS, MAG is a bit level dependent, and thats because from you're level depends everything, from perks, to new weapons, to weapon attachments, and these perks are the absolute difference between winning or losing, and thats because the starting weapons are simply **** and theres not even that many weapons to choose from, there are a total of 13 weapons for each faction, and you already start with 5 of them which mean that only 8 are good ones and still. Also forget the whole " you're in a squad and this game is all tactical" talk because it isn't, even when you finally get to be squad leader, your squad members wont listen to you many times and unless you have a decent mic they wont even notice you're existence, simply running into the middle of the battlefield and falling prey to the millions of overpowered snipers that eagerly await them.
Final Words: Well i cant say the whole game is bad, because when you finally surpass the hard part, and get you're first weapons attachments and perks the game sometimes becomes quite enjoyable, you learn the best ways to avoid snipers and start killing you're first noobs, still it is impossible to overlook the obvious bad textures, bugs and glitches, that for a console game that is simply centered into one single aspect shouldn't have. Zipper tried, they really tried but messed up so much, i dont say you shouldn't try this game, i just say you should rent it before buying it, or even better loan it from a friend, that way you dont spend money at all.