Magic 2014 is the best digital version of the franchise. Once you understand the rules it becomes really addictive !

User Rating: 8 | Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 PC
Most of the game's core interface from the previous 2013 version has remained fairly unchanged, but it really was never broken to begin with but this time the company have listened to some ot the complains from the previous game and they have improved some game parts for this sequel

Since the card game has complex rules there is a better tutorial this time that fairly explains of how to play the game and also an optional Hint system (you can turn it off of course). There is a big focus on introductory mechanics and game knowledge to make the game as easily understandable to the newcomers of the genre

Magic 2014 offers a new game mode that will have both new players and veterans having a blast That game mode is Sealed Deck. Players can crack virtual packs, progress through a league style single-player campaign, and engage in multiplayer battle with limited card pools. there's also an option for new players to have the game build an appropriate sealed deck for the player.

Even the campaign backstory of the game is better this time

Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers succeeds at being a very good offer at a frictionless price point.