Play MTG ... online! Briliant game with millions of players!
Aside from this you can still have fun though, and with the added 'Clans' feature you can group up with other clan members and have inner clan tournaments or play against people you know. Then of course there are the normal tournaments, complete with prizes and everything, but once again, money is needed.
I wouldn't recommend starting the game without already knowing how to play because there is no tutorial and can be incredibly awkward learning both the rules and how the system works. Although, whether you know how to play or not the system can be very handy because you cannot cheat or break the rules; as the game goes you aer forced to learn and stick by the rules and if you aer ever curious about how something might resolve this can play it out for you. If you know how to play all you need to do is work your way around the rather complex system of things and get used to the ''mistakes are lethal'' aspect of knowing that you can't go back on mistakes, but once you've got it learned you're sorted!
If you can afford to play, or aer comfortable with a very basic deck, go for it! A classic game, a brilliant game, it has all you need to get on with your MTG career and socialise at it!