Unfinished, buggy, and no thought put into "fun factor"

User Rating: 1 | Magic: The Gathering - Tactics PC
So I was super excited for MTG Tactics. I've been following this game for awhile as I am a huge fan of MTG and I'm also a fan of strategy/tactics games.

My first experience in this game was the tutorial levels. Which require you to load up a level, so they read off three sentences and you press okay. You don't get to play around but for that 1 click you do anything. You can't test anything. You just get read the sentences and your done. This is very frustrating because if you misunderstand anything, you either have to reload the level (which right now, takes way too long. I'm on a AMD Phenom Hex-core 3.0ghz, 8GB of DDR 3 and a GTX 465 1GB....it should not be taking 30seconds to 1 minute for something my PS2 could render) or you just have to find out the hard way in one of the solo play missions you get after....which brings us to point two.

You get 5 solo play missions in which you can "level up" and get "talents". While is is largely a rip off of everything else doing it these days (WoW, League of Legends etc) I didn't mind the system. Except that it takes maybe 30 minutes to complete everything. That is, 30 minutes of actual gameplay. I think I spent 30 minutes of reloading the game due to constant crashes. Then the game says you can't play anymore unless you pay RL money. You have to PvP.

First off, throwing anyone into PvP with 30 minutes of game experience is stupid. Secondly, the matchmaking for the PvP doesn't take anything into account (level, talents, experience, etc). These talents are not small talents like in League of Legends. These talents are something like "20% chance that when you summon a zombie, it gets +10/10".

After trying three PvP matches where I was completely outdone by talents. I looked around to see if there was anything I could buy with the in game currency, gold, or any way to earn it. I found that you get one daily mission that gives you two gold for completing it. Its not even a fun mission its just vanqish the other guy who spams Unsummon and Phantom Warrior. So I look to see what it costs to buy anything. Well, to unlock another 5 missions, we are looking at 500+. To get any cards on the Auction House, you are looking between 10 and 100s. So I could do nothing.

I looked around to see if I was doing anything wrong. Asked around in the in-game chat. No one seemed to have any answer to make the game actually fun other than "Spend real life money". I promptly uninstalled the game.

I encourage everyone to not even bother with this game. Sony Online Entertainment has proven once again that they have no touch with gamers or "fun factor".