A look into this fun little RPG for the DS.
Well each character has a element set to them and the main character can be either light or dark. This adds some what of replay value if you want to see if the story-line changes if you choose dark or light at the beginning but, perhaps it doesent since the first run through the game was boring enough. The battling system is turn-based with the flow, choose attack, person attacks, next person, etc and so forth. It was fun for a bit but after a few hours of touching the same "repeat" button over and over and over and over. The battling just got to were it was a nuisance from the story line. The progression in this game is awesome because it feels like every 5 battles you level up, well thats because you are! All your characters need is 100 exp points every time to level. Fun right? Well if you have a brain of a child this game would be entertaining because its EXTREMELY EASY. More on the gameplay side features a nice array of elemental magic, items, and the occasional kicks, punches, and hyper death beams =].
Who doesent like shiney cell-shaded 3d cut scenes!!! Also the 2d animations for the spells are FANtastic. Love em'. There extremely shiny and pretty and.. well lets not get off course from the review here. The graphics make up a big part of this game with the colorful sprites odd clothing and odd-ball characters, like a bunny person thing, keeps you playing for awile just to see what the next planet looks like and what kinda weird aliens you will find! C'mon who doesent like colorful graphics with kid-like charm. =D
Well im never to good in this department but, the sound was pretty good aside from the annoyance of hearing your person scream/shout everytime you cast a spell like Ryu or Kin. The battling sounds do get extremely annoying at times but, the planetary sounds and all the environment sounds are nice. I recommend listening to music while playing this game though. =[
Aha! Why even need this section for the DS, I mean this whole game is controlled by the touch screen. You can use the D pad to move around and the L + R buttons to look at things and it works the same way like tapping them. I recommend playing with the stylus its alot easier for both of us. Value:
Well I don't think the game is quite there in means of price. It was fun and all but the gameplay and annoying sound isent all there to keep me playing. I do recommend renting it but, as far as buying it.. get it used.
All-right moving on to the fun part of the review! The stuff that this game had that others didnt!!! Yeah!
Well, the one that that really stands out about this game is that... well... each planet has an element and when its in the right "orbit" or when an elements planet goes into its zone the character with that element gets a boost. Example: A the fire planet is in the correct orbit with the fire zone. Thus, the fire guy gets a boost on power. An exception to this is the main character who is light/dark. There is a day/night feature in this game that is pretty cool if you ask me. All the sprites change if its day or night. They get brighter during the day and darker at night. This is how, you, the main character powers up. Kinda simple when its day time, light gets a boost. When its dark, well dark gets a boost. Understand? Good. Keep in mind I made this review to not give out any spoilers but, If i did am i truly sorry. Hope you liked this review, thanks for reading.