A nice break from all the saturated mainstream games out on the market, but lacks replay value.
The thing that would make this game better is a litte more RPG element to boost the replay value. Everything is sorta "given" to you at the start which makes gameplay too shallow. Game elements like spell leveling would make killing more satisfying if you had to work for it. For instance, the more you use lighting, the stronger it becomes, etc..
Staves/weapons should add x amount of damage to certain spells, etc..
Also, it would have been great if more enemies had strenghts and weaknesses. That forces the player to cycle their spells more and prevent using the same combo over and over. I found myself using ROCK + ICE + ICE + ICE + ICE a little too ofen just because it works on every enemy/boss, and to be honest it became too repetitive.
Overall this game is worth every penny (and that's 1000 pennies!!)