wow. what do you say here? Good effort korea? nice try? who on earth wrote the god-awful opening song? i just dont know.
see magna carta's problem is it's ambition. it wanted to be the rpg that's different. well congrats. it's -so- different it's almost unplayable. let's examine shall we?
-the combat. combat has got to be my major pet peeve here. who on earth decided one character at a time in a fight was a good idea? seriously who? they need to be slapped. and then the next slapping goes to the good buddy who designed the inane -timing-button press- attack system. again the battles are pretty, but you can't really enjoy them since they prove to be waaay to static to be fun. and by static i mean painful and annoying.
-the voice acting. oh for the love of all that is holy, the voice acting. it is abhorrant. i didn't know how to spell abhorrant. i went to a dictionary and spent the time to look it up -it was that important to say. i almost would have preferred they issue it in korean and force me to read subtitles. at least then i wouldn't have been able to tell how awful the actors were. seriously people; dynasty warriors has better voice acting...Dynasty Warriors!
-the story. nothing new all. i wasn't impressed. in fact i was able to predict the story arc about halfway in. niiice.
-the characters...were actually kinda cool. once again vapid and pretty, but kinda cool.
-the score. oh my lord, this was the worst music i have have ever heard...anywhere, ever. i actually had psychotic impulses every time the opening song started in the boot up.
so please, i beg you. don't waste your money on this. did you play digital devil saga 1 and 2? it won awards for 2005. grandia 3 is great, and hey final fantasy 12 is right around the corner. play any rpg but will only hurt you.