DJ's review of MLB 2k6
The presentation is pretty good.The announcers remember stuff, and it's almost like they have new stuff to say all the time.
The graphics are insanely good just like Barry Bonds on roids.I couldn't help myself.The catcher actually moves to get the ball, and the players have countless movements except in the cutscenes.There are still some bugs in the graphics like when you hit a foul ball, but they don't bring the game down any.
The gameplay, can be hard at first if you don't mess with the settings.I personally can't pitch with the pitcher camera on.The swinger stick seems too dangerous, so I didn't even risk trying that.
The soundtrack is surprisingly good considering that the 2k series has always been known for using no name artist.
While there's no career mode like in The Show, this game still brings the heat.If you're to pick a baseball game this season, I'd say go with this one.In the end, it all comes down to your preference.Rent them both.