More options then you can shake a stick at.
First off... A funny thing happened on the way to the Game shop. Seriously... This review starts in my car as I rushed in the pouring rair to the shop to buy the game. Parked sloppily jumped out, bought the game , and hopped in. As I approched the stop lights, I would tear off the wrapping, then drive. Ieventually poped the game into the psp and continued driving. No, I didn't play and drive. My intent was to listen to the demo as it ran. So for 30-45 minutes I basiclly listen and glanced at the demo as it played through my car speakers. So far one of the complaints of MLB 2k6 for the XBOX and PS2 is that the commentary is repetative, but I couldn't notice it in this version of the game. To be honest, the last Baseball videogame I played was Sega's World Series baseball for the Sega Genesis and trust me the commentary in THAT game was repeatative. When I actually found time to play the game, I gave up a ton of hits, but once I played for a while I my Mets were taking care of business. Inside Edge is a HUGE plus! Pitching against A. Rod. was easy with Inside Edge but against someone you didn't scout like Godzilla, its trial and error and mostly error. There are soooo many in game options it actually pays to read the manual. This becomes more appearent in feilding. I can see why people are up and arm about the fielding, but in my experiance you have to KNOW the controls and options to master fielding. Batting takes some time to get used to, but pitching is the quickest thing to pickup. Online setup is quick and easy but I haven't seen how the roster can be updated. I quickly cross checked the Boston lineup on the MLB website and I really couldn't acount for one player but as the season rolls on I pretty sure updating the roster would be crucial. The 2K6 Vip save and load area seems to give a clue as to how rosters are going to be handled. No official word on this but I'm guessing they imght be manual download files. If you choose to do it the old fashioned way via baseball trade mag. or MLB online MLB, 2K6 for the PSP has a search feature so that you can find your player. The interface is in classic 2KSports fashion but have a good polish to it. Being that this a PSP game the faces on the players are rather generic much like the players in EA's Madden 06 for the PSP. This being the first gen. 2Kgames sports title for the PSP, the 2007 version is off to a great start. My only peave is the sound of the bat.... doesn't sound quite right.