"2K Sports had no reason to try"
MLB 2K6 had the potential to be an enjoyable game. But "The Freeze" issue, poor presentation, choppy frame rate, and unresponsive fielding make MLB 2K6 for the XBOX 360 a chore, rather than a cool way to kill some free time.
Graphically, the game disappoints. It's not that the graphics are terrible on their own... just that 2K6 grossly misrepresented the quality of the games graphics with some early "screenshots" realeased online and on the back of the game. Due to the fact that these images are the same online that are featured on the game case, leads me to believe that the time they spent developing those 4 or 5 images could've been better spent in Quality Control and tightening up the gameplay.
As far as "The Next Generation of Baseball" goes... um... not so much. The graphics are improved slightly over the XBOX version... and there are some additional animations included in the 360 copy...but apart from that, the game is just a simple port of the current-gen version.
Better luck next time, 2K.
Here's to hoping that EA reaquires it's rights...or at the very least... that Microsoft uses it's right as a first party developer to make a game thats worth playing.