A nice MLB version BUT Is this supposed to pass as a Xbox360 Game?

User Rating: 4.8 | Major League Baseball 2K6 X360
Ok so it seems baseball "talk" has moved backwards, Not only does the commentating poorly sync-up with the game, it is down right aweul.. it reminds me of good ole "Blank's Blanks' Talking Baseball" we played back in the 1990's ! Not only that but s this a Xbox 360 game??? The graphics are laughable at best for 'next-gen' Just BECAUSE you use more colors doesnt mean its next generation!!!! very poor textures and surfaces, mediocre stadiums, a very bland GM/Franchise System.

The few cool things about his game are overshadowed buy the poor design and highly flawed gameplay. I was to say the least.. very disappointed playing this game.. at moments it was fun.. sometimes it had its moments of tension.. but that wasn't the game causing all the tension and suspence.. it was because I was playing agaisnt another human player.

Which leads me to another poor showng in the lobbys and the typical 2k lobby system (It's ALMOST... almost as bad as te EA lobbies).. I hope you baseball fans just rented this one, cause forking over money for a Xbox360 next-gen game, that has NO right calling itself a Next-Gen OR for that fact an XBOX360 game.. Very poor 2k,, and tsk tsk to M$ for allowing it. Do we need to go back to the "nes gold seal" systems to make sure games are at least worth something they claim to be?

The good points o this game.. it has mant colors, it's bright (colors) . the tunes are ..eh so-so (I say that cause using your own tunes will cause conflicts between cut-scene/pre-game/post-game/etc.. oh wait.. this is the good part of the review.. The trivia & Fact Sequences are quiet nice... Oh and it has bright colors.