Still needs work.
Now we know that there is no such thing as a perfect video game, but there is such things as a descent one. And MLB 2k8 falls short. Now, this game is playable but it is really difficult to get by and not get annoyed.
First there is the "lag" or the Frame rate of this game. It is terrible. It really cuts down on all presentation that they have because there voices are cutting in and out, and the screen jerks.
One thing I also noticed was the screen flashes after you skip cut sceens, which, is very annoying.
Now Im a Twins fan so of course I play at the dome, Now it looks ok, but last years dome was way better. First of all, the absolute most annoying thing is if you play a day game, the lights are off in the stadium, its still light in there but come on, how can they make a stadium that is indoors and not have the lights on.
IF I didnt have xboxlive I would be ticked because the rosters are so outdated it practicly rosters form 2k7. I know there is a cut off date but once you get the game you feel like you have to do all there jobs.
In my first game of the season with the twins we hit 7 homeruns, and since I have started writing this review I have heard the announcer say "GONE A HOMERUN" about 5 times from my brother playing in the next room over. The home runs get rediculous after a while and unrealistic.
I have to say that I am dissapointed in how they take things out of last years game and by doing so they make it worse. 2K IF SOMETHING WORKS STICK WITH IT! Dont take it out of the game like uniforms. Almost all the teams are missing atleast one of there unifroms, however, last years game had them, so why they took it out? Who the He** knows.
This game is worse than last years by far. The only good thing better cut screens and player animation but other than that not much. I rate this game a 6.5. This game is disapointing.