If Disgaea was your dig, you'll wow over Makai Kingdom! It's Disgaea but so much more!
The story is about an Overlord, Lord Zeta, who in a last ditch effort to save his life, has been confined to a Sacred Tome. He is trying to rebuild his empire by fulfilling wishes his friends and acquaintances write within his pages. Much like Disgaea, the story is riddled with humor, and several different unique and very well designed characters.
The game play is a blend of Phantom Brave and Disgaea. Yay! The Prinnies are back! You're movement is based on the same principle of P.B., with the 'movement circle' as I call it. You can throw characters on characters, but you can't stack like you could in Disgaea. Your weapons level up as do characters and as they do, like the characters, they acquire new skills or attacks. Remember the agonizing pain of Confine from P.B.? Well you can confine in this game as well but NOT like P.B. You don't have to worry about somebody's confine expiring during a battle. Once you confine a character to something it's a done deal, and you can only confine between battles. There are hidden parts to most battlefields that you can access by defeating a particular 'KEY' enemy or throwing the 'KEY' item off onto the hidden battlefield area, thus revealing a new portion of the battlefield that sometimes comes with a random area effect (i.e. sleep, confusion, paralysis...). There's a dungeon system much like P.B. perfect for leveling up characters. The building system is fantastic. It works as a reserve for your characters as well as a stat altering bonus to any character that comes out of it during battle. Oh, and remember how you could -{ I can't believe I forgot the term for returning a high level character to Level one and leveling up at a quicker rate to become even stronger}- in Disgaea, well you can do something very similar in M.K. by killing and then reincarnating a character.
If you liked any SRPG in your life, you have to play this game. It would be a severe injustice to yourself as a gamer.