Not a bad game, but I just couldn't get into it. I kept thinking Final Fantasy Tactics is better than this because...
User Rating: 7 | Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome PS2
First off, I'd like to admit that I don't play strategy RPG much. So I didn't have much of a choice but to compare it to one of the only ones that I own, Final Fantasy Tactics (which is ironically my favorite game). With that said, I felt like their was an even trade off with the gameplay of this game. Makai Kingdom does things better outside of battles than in them, and vice versa with FFT. One thing this game does that I like, it allow party interaction when outside of battle via the world you're trying to recreate. It was also kind of cool being able to create more party members as the game progressed...but here's the problem with that: if you don't personally put a limit on how many different characters you create, it can become difficult to maintain them and to keep everyone on the same level. Also, the game relies too much on multiple playthroughs to unlock certain things and the level cap is almost non-existant. I guess I have a problem with these things because I don't like to spend too much time on one game and this game almost demands that it be the center of your attention. This in itself wouldn't be a problem if I found the in battle experiences to be satisfying enough....I don't. It can be fun just not FFT fun. Not enough fun for me to play for hours, weeks, and months. It didn't have that addictive affect on me.
My Breakdown:
What's Good:
- Great Humor
- Great Voice Acting
- Cool Customization options
- The Graphics were nice and colorful
What's Not-So-Good:
- The gameplay wasn't good enough for me to invest the time required to get the most out of the game
- The story wasn't all that great
What's Bad:
- The amount of time it takes to get the most out of the game
- Too much freedom. A lower level and party member cap is need for this game.
In all, this game wasn't bad but just didn't go over well with me. This could be because I'm not a big fan of the genre or of the Disgea series. Fans of both should be able to appreciate this game more than I did.