Way unrealistic options and gameplay. And the background music makes you want to commit suicide.
1. Fall asleep.
2. Punch my computer monitor.
3. Cut myself into bite-sized pieces with a meat cleaver.
Yeah, you get the picture.
This game makes me wanna hurl and--
4. Hurl.
Anyways, about the options:
You get to choose if there will be more girls or boys.
You get to choose if there will be more elderly or young.
You get to choose if there will be more rich or more poor.
And about the gameplay:
It costs $1 to replace a white tile with... a white tile.
It may feel like you're making a different mall each time, but it's just the same mall with a different layout. There are a very limited amount of stores, so there are very limited choices. What I'm trying to get at is this game doesn't let you have much freedom.
Rollercoaster Tycoons and Railroad Tycoons let you build custom tracks and have more *cough* realistic *cough* options. It lets you have more freedom than an expanded parking lot.
On the back of the case it says:
"Some Would Say It's The Perfect Job.
We Never Would."... I *cough* won *cough* der why *cough* *cough*
Sorry, my allergies have been acting up lately.
Another thing on the back of the case, it does'nt give much information on what you can and can't do. *COUGH* *ach-em* *cough, cough*
One more tid-bit. On the front it states the over 300,000 copies of Original Mall Tycoon have been sold...
1. If you think about all the people in only North America, that's a very tiny spec.
2. Original Mall Tycoon, huh? What does that tell us about this one?
Rollercoaster Tycoon took a huge leap from 2 to 3. And personally, I think that it landed in a small ditch.
Sorry for the lame metaphor too. Well, I need to go take a *cough, cough* Zyrtec pill.