With an extremely solid outing on the 1st go 'round, 1 would expect a level-up continuation of a budding morbid franchise. This time, I was definitely wrong! The controls on this are nowhere near as tight as the original. The camera shots & angles are nowhere near as good. The graphics have not graduated from the 1st outing. Although, that can be viewed as a not-so-bad thing, coupled with bad camera shots, makes this a hard look. Manhunt is a game of patience; but, with very loose controls, it becomes real easy to lose your patience with the game. More than half of the time, while stalking my prey, my character ended up swinging & being heard, instead of holding his weapon for execution. I spent more time in fist fights than I did stalking. The narration of the story is surprisingly good, & the game's audio is very good. All in all, this is a bargain bin buy, & truly NOT worth 1st run money.
Manhunt 2 was developed by Rockstar Games, is an Action/Adventure game for multiple platforms. And is the second game in the series, with that in mind it has nothing to do with the first game at all. Although the same st... Read Full Review
The video review can be found here: http://www.gamespot.com/v/JyE2xDr45b8FvT7d Here is the written review: Manhunt 2 suffers from a crisis of conscience. In a game centered around stealthy violent action, the a... Read Full Review