Fun game, not quite as bad as the first one. I don't see what all the fuss was about.

User Rating: 7 | Manhunt 2 PS2
While the contraversy behind the Manhunt games is somewhat justified. It's almost compltly lost in this version. True the game was edited so that it could receve an M rating and subsequently be sold and played on the console systems. I personaly think the first game has the more disterbing setting and theme.
Well with that little comentary aside, on to the reveiw. As many of you may already know you play the role of an escaped mental hospital patient. You and your buddy are trying to figgure out whats happened to you, and how to seek your revenge on the organization that did it to you. Not the most inspired or origanal story but it serves it's purpose well enough to peice together the rest of the game.
The controls in Manhunt 2 are really basicly the same. You are afforded wall hugs, Hiding in shadows, distractions, and plenty of meat to carve up...or beat, peirce. But also now you can preform exicutions with firearms. While the excutions are no longer compltly seen as the screen will fuzz out and distort when preformed. You can still make out whats going on for the most part. The controls are fairly tight and responsive. makeing for a decent game play experiance. Graphics arin't really anything to write home about but they do the trick. Sound...Well the sound is pretty forgettable, I mean it's not bad, but even now thinking about it. I really don't know what sounds or music that where done really well or bad.
It's all and all afair game probably a better rental than a buy, but it's generally enjoyable.