Manhunt 2 is a game that's bloody, shocking, often silly, but always brutal!
I've never played the first game, which in comparison to the sequel was said to have been much more "open" in its display of mutilation and death, and since there are no ties to the story I went ahead and started with this one. If you've ever been squeamish staring at blood or queasy after reading any of Clive Barker's books or watching movies such as Saw or Hostel and what have you, you should shy away from Manhunt 2 right away. This is a game that really enjoys itself displaying acts of violence that would rival even the worst of Hollywood, but for those who actually find a laugh now and then hidden among piles and piles of torn-off appendages this game will keep you entertained for hours through its 16 levels.
The gameplay consists of some of the most satisfying sneaking available with some decent shooting thrown in for good measure. The game rewards patience, as you sneak up on enemies the reticule on your target will change in color depending on the amount of time you have the right-trigger squeezed. The three colors indicate the varying levels of violence, which unsurprisingly increases as they change. The game also offers a smattering of firearms but the shooting, while quite functional and marginally fun also feels VERY loose. You'll take cover and peek around to shoot from an over-the-shoulder perspective like most modern shooters; most of the gunplay relies heavily on this mechanic so it's pretty unusual for it to feature close-range weapons such as a shotgun. The shooting levels are few and sporadic but this game is all about the sneaking.
All of this is wrapped around a questionably shadowy story (which I'll leave for others to explore by themselves) sporting a very appropriate visual representation. The game's choice of colors and filters is just striking, the entire game is displayed in default with a noise-filter that makes the game look like an old VHS tape, it can be disabled from the options menu if you're not into the idea.
While it won't reinvent or revolutionize the stealth genre, it doesn't even try to,
Manhunt 2 is an exceptionally well-made game that fans of sneaking and killing (in gruesome fashion, no doubt) should pick up immediately.