MANHUNT IS WoNdErFuL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Manhunt PC
rockstar did cery good with this game i have too say because every time i exit the game i always wanted to come back and play

GRAPHICS:very good graphics no mistaks here man and the blood is made very cool
SOUND:not something amazing but good engh for me and hopefully for you to
GAMEPLAY:amazing game play never gets repedetive and thats very good because in 1 mission you have to save your family and in another you need to escape from a zoo.....a zoo!!! how cool is this game?

well i really hope there is gonna be a MANHUNT 2 because i cant waint...
but the problem is that i dont have any idea for the second game plox so we have a small problem here

well thats all i have to say