Exceptional stealth/action game. A must play for fans of the genre. This game is more than the violence it portrays!
HIGH POINTS: The game's setting. Its original and it actually gives an element of 'taste' to the gruesome violence. I know that sounds bad, but trust me, the game's setting and mood lend to the evil topics well. The graphics are nice as well. Typical GTA-esque fare, which is something I have always thought to be overrated(seriously, the fuzzy look and mildly blocky characters of the GTA series don't deserve a 10 out of 10! Please), but the graphical style, shadow and light blooms, and the video tape-esque presentation style all lend well to the overall atmosphere. In addition, I felt the story was pretty good, and it was enough to make me want to see what would happen all the way till the end of the game. Its no Final Fantasy, but its good. The stealth kills are brutal, but definitely something that you will want to try and achieve. The three levels of kills is a brillant idea, allowing you to choose whether you should dispatch a foe quickly, or charge up and really maul them. Next, the sound is spectacular. The music is creepy and it accompanies the events of the game in a wonderful fashion. Also, all of the voice acting is awesome, expecially Brian Cox (Troy, X-Men 2) who plays The Director, Starkweather. He is creepy, twisted, and perverse enough through the entire game that you want to hate him the entire time. Great bad guy!
LOW POINTS: Small replay value. I have just started playing it again, but that is only because I beat it a couple years ago and had forgotten all the enemy placements. Otherwise, once you know where the enemies will be, you can blaze through the game, and the challenge is very small. Unless, of course, you play on Hardcore mode, which takes away your radar, making the game hard as SIN! Also, even though the AI is pretty good overall, almost all enemies, hoods and SWAT members alike, all fall for the same tricks, such as hitting a wall in the shadows and waiting for them to investigate, then killing them when they turn their back. You would think highly trained SWAT members would request back up or something, oh well. Also, the violence might not be for everyone, and the squemish or the young (14 or less) should stay away. This game is pretty violent.
THE SCOOP: Dispite the weaknesses this game has, overall it is an astounding title that is worth a $20 purchase. Though this game probably wont win over any new gamers to the genre, fans of stealth or something new will definitely find a game that they can enjoy. Fans of bloodbaths and violent video games should have already snapped this beast of the shelf and completed it 4 times by now. Give this one a go, you will not be disappointed.