Nothing like splattering someone's head with a ball bat.

User Rating: 9.1 | Manhunt PS2
Manhunt is quite a different genre from the Grand Theft Auto series that Rockstar is so famous for.
You would think that Rockstar would have a few problems when making such a transition.
They did very well with this title that could easily be classified as a Survival Horror game.
It's just you, a handful of weapons and your wit against a lot of hunters that want to get that pleasure we all enjoy.
See the blood of our victims pouring out of them.
The controls can take sometime getting use to, and it seems that they heavily rely on the "triangle" button to do most of the games actions.
But that's just fine because you have 2 attack buttons. One strong and one weak.
One problem with te game is that the Hunters can be hard to beat the crap out of if you engage them in a fight. So a lot of the time you will find yourself running away just to catch your wind and to heal up.
(Luckily there are a good amount of Painkillers scattered about for you to find.)
So the bottom line is to use stealth and sneaking tactics as much as possible, other wise you will run into some problems.

If you missed it when it launched back in November of 2003, check your bargain bin for this Rockstar Jewel.

I really hope Rockstar Has some sort of a sequel to this game in store for us on the Playstation 3.