The hunted becomes the hunter!

User Rating: 10 | Manhunt PS2
Manhunt is an all out crazy,disturbed,violent game that pretty much takes you into a world you would never want to step foot into.Your a prisoner who is given a somewhat second chance only to realize you have to kill to earn it as you are put into a world where others like you or worse than you are out to kill you and you must go through this twisted world to survive against all the demented psychopathic murderers who are all hunting you.You have no friends,no allies,and have to use every ounce of strength,wit,and stealth to escape the game you have been thrown into.Not to mention it's all for some sort of tv production that is covering the whole thing.There are some pretty cool ways to kill people in this game and the blood and gore factor is pretty high.I like the game because it's different that from what alot of other games have done and its got a good feel to it and a good look to it.It's definately one of a kind type game and is already been "branded" as one of the most violent games of all time!