Very good Game!!!
this man is stalkweather..he is tells you live you have to preform grusome kills in his movie...
The graphics are very good overall..the game has a very video camera feel to it..with the screen looking likea camera recording..and each time you preform a exceution it goes into this recording camera scene and it shows you brutally killing the foe.
Its stealth you will either love it or hate it...if you are familiar with titles such as splinter cell,theif.. you will like this game...I would say the half of the game is stealth then when you get guns the game kind of moves away from the stealth of the most exciting things is exceution,a cool thing is the longer you hold down O OR X the more grusome and brutal the exceution will...
sound is very cool and can actually hear james heart beating in gameplay,and music is very freaky and it blends in well with the games feel,a very fun thing is to hear some of the guards conversations!THEY ARE SO funny sometimes,
The game offers you plenty of hours of fun and is worth every penny..but i dont recommend this for a small child or the faint of heart..if you are looking for an intersting good game for The Playstation 2 Entertainment System, this is definately a must,The weapons are very fun as well, (glass shard,bag,bat,guns,knifes)
The enemy A.I is very well in terms of stealth gameplay , but when you have guns they can mess up once in a while,,
Overall a GOOD BUY and a must for stealth gamer.