One Of The Best Games That Combine Stealth & Horror, Even If You Are Not Fan Of Any Of Them

User Rating: 9.5 | Manhunt PC
This game is another evidence of the brilliance of RockStar games.
It has all the elements for a great, stealth, horror, modern action adventure game.
The Pros:
- A great, psychopathic story.
- Graphics (for that time & still looking great).
- Control, one of the best for its kind of games.
- Cut scenes, terrifying.
- Sound FX
- Weapons, I've never ever seen a plastic bag as a weapon in a video game before. It just prove how sick this game is. Other weapons are equally great.
- A great gameplay, kills, dialogs...etc

- So much graphical violence, that people never realized how graphic it was until this game was hitting the shelves. (banned in many countries, huge controversial issue & a censored sequel !)


The Cons: " I didn't find any "


I'll list Manhunt along with the Resident Evil Series, Half-Life Series & FEAR. Except that Manhunt doesn't have any zombies nor ghosts, just human freaks that will hunt your nightmares.