Most goriest game ever.
Manhunt though isnt just stealth, it is all out gory, ugly, dark killing spree game. This game has a lot of intense violence, and can even make an adult pretty sick.
The story in manhunt is very brief, slightly creative, but not great. You are a convict, cash, who is given a second chance to live, and you have to escape the gang infested city. Starkweather, or the director, leads you all the way, but wants you to kill as many people you can.
The graphics in manhunt arent that great, but they fit the games atmosphere and does a good job of making it gritty and scary in a way. The environments look different, some the same but mostle different.
The death sequences are the main part of this game, they are like tenchus system but more gor.
The gameplay in manhunt is very hard and creative. You hide and stealth kill enemies, or in times you do annoying gunfights which arent that great. The stealth kills vary, there are 3 for each weapon and there are a lot of weapons in manhunt. All the kills differ from how long you hold the attack button and what color the cursor is. The death scenes are fun to watch, but are really gory and not for a weak stomach.
The sound is great in manhunt. There is no background music. When found, or about to kill, sound effects come up to intensify the action. The voice acting is very nice on all characters. The enemies dialogue is one of the best parts of manhunt. Enemies say so many different, funny things, and practically never repeat the same thing, anytime! and enemies always talk, its hilarious to hear them too.
Overall manhunt is a very great experience with some bad, but the good overpower all the faults of this game. Manhunt is a must buy.