Blood, Brains and balls!

User Rating: 9.7 | Manhunt PC

thats right... you gotta be able to cope with all of em, cus manhunt will definatly have you gasping with horror and a nut cases excitement. the story has you playing as a James Earl Cash, who has jus been released from deathrow to be the star in Lionel Starweathers 'BORN AGAIN'....blah blah blah......
frankly i completly forgot the story after i got me my first kill, aftter.....all i did was sit back in amazement as James beat the living piss outa some jackass while sufficating him with a plastic bag.

this game truly is one of the most graphic n violent games you'l probably ever play, it will have you on the edge of your seat while you slowly pace down a ally, only to get a sreaming nut case charge roung the courner at you with a machete, or it will have ya screaming with evil laughter while your hunting you next nervous victim and it even has you turning away cringing at one of many overly brutal executions.

the gamplay is supurb, its solid steath mechanics and its easy to pick up controls have you mowing through victim after victim with two types of executions with each weapon, although sometimes this can get a bit repetetive, it still has you gasping every time you pull it off. that and its veriety of weapons and immersive terrifying atmousphere, this makes a great game that you really shouldnt miss out on.

sound is exellent, everything from bashing someones skull, to the cleave of a blade and the gurgles and groans of victims. it also has some good voice acting to giggle at such as the unsuspecting huters on your sent.

graphics are quite nice. Nothing overly insane, but perfect for this games immersion and setting, its not trying to blow you away with mad visuals, it keeps them at a nice pace, ive not had any problems with the graphics, they look solid, and go nice with all the annimations, pc offers the superior visuals.

also the controls are responsive and fuction just as good as the do on the ps2.

overal im not gonna say this insnt for the faint hearted because.......well its a game, so no need to start a protest over it :P, its really enjoyable, has a interesting story line, (capable of film standards in my opinion) and it truely is a classic to the gameing world, i doubt no other will be supplyin this type of violent experience so get it n play because it can offer some good moments, and it may make you a serial killer ;)

definatly rockstars most infamous game

and it was an honour to have manhunt as my first review.

now................. wheres my ....................sickle......................................