Rock star's naughty sons gets the playground bloody enough. If you think this game is great, then tell me why..

User Rating: 4 | Manhunt PS2
I don't think I can stand playing such games like this one. How can things like this can be brought into games. The story in this game is kinda sick!!! You do nothing but learn how to kill people, and the guy makes this game, even made it more real by the line "close the door and ready to kill".. What makes sense in going around and kill people? You got no purpose but to listen to a guy that tell you to how to murder, how to make them suffer, and blood seems to be the reward of the awesome animal acts including stabbing, slitting throat, smashing someone on the head.. Oh maybe this game do real good in teaching people murder, that's why the case in Eng occured. The kid killed because he was taught to do that. The graphic, on the other hand, is good. Blood is real, even gore when you can see flesh coming out sometimes. And the guys in the game is made to look sick enough to suit their animal acts.. Their action is so real, even when contacting the enemy, hardly will you found a fault like merging thru body, or melee wp just runs thru them. But it's just good, nothing more to notice. The sound and music is gruelsome enough. The atmosphere is threatful, the voice of the guy thru the ear contact is sick, OK, that's it. Gameplay huh? What should I say? The control is stupid old fashioned-left analog stick to move up down and steer, when the right stick does nothing but looking up down,left right in first person. This will make the circling around the enemy hard enough to manage so they have to make it w/ a L1 button to auto aim. OK, learned from tenchu, they boost the stealth kills a little higher w/ the diferrent levels of killing. You hold that sick button, then gets sicker kills to feed w/ screen w/ blood as much as you want. And during the kill, it appear to be seen thru a camera thing. Any stealth kill must be done from the back, then sneaking around is a good idea, but to make it more chilly, they put the ability to hide in the shadows, available in the game. Well, this game didn't have the cool style stealth kill like Tenchu, instead, replaced by lots of blood and sicky disgusting acts; while the sneaking around is nothing compared to Splinter cells, in which you can make best use of the dark. And due to the stupid control, this game maybe the sickest game ever been made. Anyone made this game must really be the killer and murderer himself!!!