The Best Stealth Game With Loads of Gore!

User Rating: 9.5 | Manhunt PS2
Now manhunt is one of my favorite games. It is a stealth game but it has a unique different approach than other games that in my opinion makes it better than others. Now if your of an older age you are diffenetly going to love this game more do to the fact that older people tend to like more gore which is something this game has. Now im not saying that adults are bloodthirsty cannibles im just saying a 21 year old is going to like it better than a 12 year old. The uniqueness of this game is the violence. Instead of just walking up to someone and snapping there neck or using fiber wire to choke them, you get a huge variety of weapons to use and you get to choose the rate of violence you want to inflict. Say if you press the button quickly, then your attack isnt going to be as fierce and bloody as if it would if you held it down for 5 or 6 seconds. The story line is also actually pretty good, but you will find that out for yourself. Manhunt is a great game and you should totally check it out if you havent yet.