Maplestory starts a new character out on and island called Maple Island. From there new players learn the basics of moving, jump, attacking, and etc.... After finishing Maple Island, players are moved to Victoria Island and the real game begins. Beginners get to choose from 4 jobs: Warrior, Thief, Bowman, or Magician depending on what level they are. Players progress in level and get to choose new jobs at certain levels(30 and 70). The game however gets repetitive as a person just levels the character. There is no Player versus player and there is not much to do in the game. However leveling is pretty addictive and so people just play to level. Problems in the game are that there are many hackers whom ruin the gameplay and also that there are not many features to the game.
Maplestory can be explained in 1 word: GRINDFEST. The point in the game is to rapidly press ctrl against an enemy until it dies. Do this continuously until you lvl up. Once you lvl up, you can get new abilities,weapons, ... Read Full Review
MapleStory is a side-scrolling MMORPG game. It is not as impressive as the other popular main stream MMO's but at least it looks better then Runescape. At the beginning you start off as jobless pawn. You mainly train ... Read Full Review