Keeps you coming back, but grinding issues make this a little sour.
However, this game gets repetitive and it gets repetitive FAST! After a while you should realise that killing the same monster for hours on end isn't exactly something fun, and it gets boring. This gets fixed, as this game is extremely addicting. I mean so addicting that I must've quit at least 3 times and keep coming back. I would check to make sure that the mouse isn't secreting crack while playing. This game does keep you busy for a while, which is good, but it doesn't keep you busy with a lot of fun stuff. It's kind of like your job where it keeps you busy, but you just want to finish things to move onto the next objective.
Now, the community is what makes this game shine. You have your buddies and your guild, of course. There was also the recent addition of the alliance which is a bunch of guilds combined, like Guild Wars if you've ever played that. Now this game has something called a party quest where you make a party (generally of 4 or 6 people depending on the party quest), and go into an area where you get experience for completing tasks. Each party quest has a boss, which requires the party to work together to kill, and is nearly impossible to kill by one's self (excluding a few people). There is also the guild party quest which your guild enters a quest and will get guild points for completing parts of the quest.
There are hackers, of course. There aren't nearly as many as there used to be though, so it's not quite as much of a problem. The community does have a lot of people who just play for power, which actually ruins the game for some other people, because they're always asking "WAT EQUIPS U HAV?", and laugh at you when you tell them about your normal equipment.
Overall, this is a game about how much time you put in. Most games you need to put in time to beat, but this doesn't require skill at all, you just need to put in a lot of time. That detracts from the experience, but bosses, party quests, and the community will keep you playing for a while.
Community: 7
Gameplay: 8
Lasting appeal: 9
Overall (not an average): 7.5