Monstrously cute but it doesn't cover up boring gameplay
The sound of the game is pretty interesting. The background music has a nice tie in with the game. Ok let's get to the gameplay. I'll be honest though. The game obviously wasn't looking for target audiences over 13+. It's too simple. You run around attacking critters to gain levels. Now that is usually the case in most MMO's but in here it's done in boring environment's and you attack by pressing the CTRL button on the keyboard. Sound tedious? It's like grinding but alot more frustratingly boring. Leveling is alot similar to other game's. You put ability point's into stat's that are specialized for your class. If your a mage you put point's into intellect and if your a warrior into strength. Basically it's smooth and simple. Now the leveling and grinding wouldn't be that bad if there was a point to it. But in fact there's no real skill involved in the game. You fight monster's you level up you get better gear but your not stronger. Why? There's no PVP system or anything. You can't attack anyone or be attacked. The game does sport a couple notable interesting featurues that aren't in traditional MMOs:
It include's chatroom speak. You can invite people to talk in a chatbox something I wish more MMO's featured. There's an interesting tie-in of fantasy and such. It's a big like a wild imagination fiction of an average 12 year old. It's interesting and kinda cheesy. The NPC's say have a couple weird text problems probably a translation gone bad.
Now that saying the game is still somewhat a blast to play through if you can get through the beginning levels. Once I hit lvl 20 it felt more addicitive and inspired. But most people will be put off after playing 30 minute's of the game.